gushy little preamble:

I wish I could say I'd been following Mori from the very beginning, but I only started watching her about a year in (around December 2021-January 2022). This was around the time she still had a massive hatedom on Twitter and 4chan but I managed to tune those guys out pretty quick.

There's a lot that I love about Mori.
Her model, how expressive she is, her dedication to lifting up everyone around her, the passion she puts into her music, I could go on. But I think what I love about her most is her natural gap moe: she wants so badly to look cool and badass — and she actually kind of is — but the dorky girl inside keeps slipping out and it's fucking adorable.
She just feels like someone I'd really wanna hang out with too, even if it's something as small as being her drinking buddy or something. She's done so much to make other people happy and I just wish I could return the favor somehow.

Mori Shrine

My actual physical shrine is only in its beginning stages, but I'm hoping to turn it into something much more impressive as time goes on and I stop being a fucking neet

Song Tierlist

Hover over the pics for more details, the glowing ones are albums/EPs and should link to their own pages

Outfit Tierlist

Same as above, hover over the pics for more details